Litvek - онлайн библиотека >> Victoria Filin >> Приключения и др. >> Title Little Planeswalker

Жанр: Приключения, Детские приключения


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Язык книги: русский

Страничек: 3

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Издательство: SelfPub

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сутки: 1   этот месяц: 2   этот год: 12
всё время: 12


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The hero of the story "The Traveler's World" is a certain traveler named Miro. He is a curious man, eager to discover new lands and learn about different cultures.The plot of the story revolves around the adventures of the World during its journey. He leaves his native land and goes on a long hike, meeting different people on his way and getting into different situations. He travels through dense jungles, experiences terrible thunderstorms on the open ocean, explores outlandish cultures and natural wonders.During his adventures, Miro faces various challenges and learns a lot about the world and about himself. He becomes bolder and more confident, developing his survival skills and gaining a unique life experience. Eventually, his journey runs out and Miro returns home, but now with deep memories and a changed personality.The story "The World of the traveler" is a story about self-discovery, knowledge of the world and personal growth of the hero.

Теги книг: детское фэнтези детское чтение книги для чтения английском языке Самиздат

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