Litvek - онлайн библиотека >> Tom Clancy >> Триллер >> The Sum of All Fears

Книга - The Sum of All Fears. Tom Clancy - прочитать в Litvek

Жанр: Триллер

Серия: jack ryan #7

Год издания:

Язык книги: русский

Страничек: 1053

Издано в серии:

Издательство: BERKLEY

Город издания: New York

ISBN: 9780425184226

Книга закончена

   просмотрело гостей за:

сутки: 3   этот месяц: 25   этот год: 74
всё время: 563


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Peace may finally be at hand in the Middle East — as Jack Ryan lays the groundwork for a plan that could end centuries of conflict. But ruthless terrorists have a final, desperate card to play; with one terrible act, distrust mounts, forces collide, and the floundering U.S. president seems unable to cope with the crisis.
With the world on the verge of nuclear disaster, Ryan must frantically seek a solution — before the chiefs of state lose control of themselves and the world.

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