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the notebook is rather shabby, but the notes can still be read.

I remember the following passages. I need to ask the library for the books from which they were written.

1) “I can't talk to the walls: they're yelling at me. I can't talk to my wife: she only listens to the walls. I want someone to listen to me. And if I talk for a long time, then maybe I'll agree to something reasonable" Fahrenheit 451.

I liked this excerpt because it reflects the desire to be heard. The hero is hungry for understanding; he is alone, because even his beloved does not understand him. But he will not give up, even if he is not sure that he will achieve the desired result.

2) “And if all people thought more, they would be convinced that life is not worth taking care of so much…” Hero of our time.

A happy person will not think about life, he will enjoy it. And the person who is faced with difficulties will begin to think that being is not worthy of any effort or effort.

3) “Children are the only bold philosophers. And bold philosophers are necessarily children” We.

The people do not set themselves a framework and think about absurd and unreal things. They do not try to give their thoughts a certain meaning, but simply enjoy the flight of their imagination, which is often not enough for adults.

20:12. Rowley, why aren't you answering my calls?

22:51. That's it, we're going on a bike ride tomorrow. I should be out in the fresh air more often.

Bye, Diary.

Day 11.
Hello, Diary.

Today is Monday, November 14, 2068.

On the street +1, cloudy.

06: 21. The psychologist treating asked me to record my dreams.

This time I lived for 10 days, but all the time I just stood at the window and watched the surrounding people.

Every day, kids went to school or kindergarten, middle-aged people went to professional training institutions, and adults went to work.

A few hours later, schoolchildren came running. Some earlier, some later. The younger children were playing in the yard. Occasionally I saw people reading books in the square.

After lunch, elderly people went for a walk.

Then students from the EOPQ (the establishment of professional qualifications) stomped back, some of them in pairs, others in large groups. There were also “singles” that were most interesting to watch.

In the evening, the workers returned, tired but happy, because they can spend the rest of the day as they please. Most of them went to entertainment centers, others spent these minutes in virtual reality, and others paid attention to self-development.

I've always thought that the most interesting things happen most often when everyone is asleep. But in these 9 nights, I didn't find anything special.

Those loners sometimes walked to the convenience, but spending a lot of time if we bypassed all shops in search of the best price, and did not find such, come with empty hands or a packet of cigarettes. Occasionally there were noisy companies and the sound of roaring engines.

But in the dark, I usually looked at the life that was in the neighboring buildings. There I noticed workaholics, creative martyrs, responsible students, philosophers, and many others.

Everything was the same every day, except for the weather.

During that period spent in sleep, I liked one girl. She worked from home, probably as a web designer or Illustrator. She lived in the house opposite the mine, slept until lunch, and then went for a walk. A few hours later, I would come back and draw something on a graphic tablet in the square, and when the sun went down, I would pack my things and go home. She didn't sleep at night.

One day, at a late hour, inspiration came to her, and she painted the balcony window of her apartment. It was fun to follow her actions. At first, she could stare at one stroke for an hour, and then abruptly draw half the picture. What had she been thinking?

It took 216 hours, but I remember the last 24 best.

The weather was overcast. It was raining. Everyone carried umbrellas. Some used gray, others red, but most used black. And she went outside with a transparent one.

When students came from the EOPQ, a rainbow appeared in the sky. I wish I was the only one who saw her.

In the evening of this day, children did not play on the Playground and noisy companies did not wander around the courtyards.

She was coming back, but this time not, a man was approaching her.

A second later, he was standing behind her.

The knife came out. Drops of blood and rain. A look directed at me.

His look!

End of the dream.

07:04. My mother woke me up and said something, but I only heard the rain and saw It.

07:17. It's worse than I thought. I've never had a murder dream before. What has changed now?

07: 23. Why is he a murderer? Why His eyes? What does it mean?

07:31. I think this time I was just overexcited about the test.

Bye, Diary.

Day 12.
Hello, Diary.

Today is Thursday, November 17, 2068.

On the street +1, clear.

10:12. After returning home, we immediately went to the hospital.

The doctor said that I had an exacerbation due to overwork, so I was again prescribed a course of stabilizers. We also discussed my dream, and the doctor said: “All from exhaustion.”

Then we went to the store, and my mother bought me a graphic tablet-a gift for the efforts made to MPAT, now I will draw even more often.

16:57. I called Rowley's parents and found out that she had gone with Emet to his parents' house during the free week and had lost her phone there, so she didn't return my calls.

But my dear friend could have called Emet and told me not to worry!

18:49. I hope He's having a good time with his relatives, who live near the mountains.

20:53. It's time to take your medicine and go to bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 13.
Hello, Diary.

Today is Friday, November 18, 2068.

On the street +1, is uncertain.

07:37. The results of MPAT are already ready.

07:38. * Update the results of the mandatory professional aptitude test. *

First year of study.

Test results for required subjects:

Social behavior culture – 63 points, drawing reading skills-75 points, Zoology-56 points, sound transmission of thoughts-82 points, and artistic visualization of signs-74 points.

For additional subjects:

Technique for collecting information – 61 points, reading mental tables-67 points.

The result of the medical examination is C.

Result: transferred to the second stage in the class of artistic image of technology.

Second year of study.

Test results for required subjects:

Communication culture – 76 points, rational constant-64 points, cellular structure of plants-60 points, visualization of thoughts-85 points, sign system-74 points.

For additional subjects:

Technique for collecting information – 65 points, reading mental tables-69 points.

The result of the medical examination is C.

The result: remained on the second stage, transferred to the class of artistic image of a person.

Third year of study.

The result of the medical examination is B.

Result: transferred to the third stage, remained in the class of artistic image of a person.

Fourth year of study.

The result of the medical examination is B.

The result: remained on the third stage, transferred to the class of the artistic image of the sign.

Fifth year of study.

The result of the medical examination is B.

Result: transferred to the fourth stage, the class of the artistic image of the sign.

Sixth year of study.

The result of the medical examination is B.

Result: transferred to the fifth stage, remained in the class of the artistic image of a person.

Seventh year of study.

The result of the medical examination is C.

Result: transferred to the sixth stage, remained in the class of the artistic image of the sign.

Eighth year of study.

The result of the medical examination is B.

The result: I remained at the sixth stage in the class of the artistic image of a person.

* Add: *

– Ninth year of study.

The result of the medical examination is C.

Test results for required subjects:

Psychology – 78 points, mechanical programming-73 points, genetics – 77 points, the theory of correct lines-85 points, the semantic part of symbols-79 points.

For additional subjects:

Visual illusion – 83 points, reading the emotional state-81 points.

Result: transferred to the seventh stage in the class of the artistic image of the sign. —

* End of updating test results. *

07:41. I am very happy, now we are on the same level, and we will go to General lessons on the theory of correct lines, visualization of thoughts and sound influence.

Today is the happiest day.

07:41. * Change password 062751 to 111868. *

10:54. Rowley talked to me until her new phone went dead.

She talked about her adventures. How she dropped her phone in the giraffe's cage while trying to take a picture of it, how Emet tried to get it and fell into the enclosure himself, how his parents reacted when they met their dirty son with a stranger.

After that, I told her about my dream and a collection of quotes, and we agreed to meet and celebrate my transition to stage seven. At last, my dear Rowley is back.

17:17. I tried out a gift from my mother in practice and drew a view from the window. The sunset today was especially beautiful, bright scarlet.

20:58. Time for bed. You need to follow the regime recommended by the doctor.

Bye, Diary.

Day 14.
Hello, Diary.

Today is November 19, 2068, Saturday.

It's -2 outside, cloudy.

16:36. I met Rowley at “our” cafe, and she brought me a present. She said to open the house, but more about it later.

We strolled, stopping at bakeries and office stores along the way. I missed wandering around and talking about the world seal conspiracy. I was afraid Rowley would change because of Emet, but she's still the funny, stubborn, hysterical person I know.

Now about the gift, as usual, perfectly packed. There were many nice things in the box: bookmarks, pens, notebooks, an album and pencils, and a sweater and socks. And the best part is two tickets to the Yogen concert!

17:49. But my friend doesn't like this group. Then whom should I go with?

18: 33. I'll start studying with Him tomorrow. I can't wait for morning. I'll go to the Park, because He was supposed to be home today, and I'll also paint the benches and trees.

20:31. Time to get your coat.

21:45. Bedtime. The sooner I fall asleep, the sooner the morning will come.

Bye, Diary.

Day 15.
Hello, Diary.

Today is Wednesday, November 23, 2068.

On the street +1, Sunny.

08:52. It's so close. I cannot concentrate on the lecture when He's around. I only listen to his breathing.

Why do lessons end so quickly?

16:17. Rowley replied that she had bought two specifically so that I could get to know someone better.

18:53. I offered to go to the concert with my parents, but they said it would be better if I had fun with my peers. In addition, the offer responded, and sister Nora. Who should I go with now? I don't know anyone.

He also likes this group. Can I give the ticket to Him?

19:01. I'll decide tomorrow, but it's still a weekend performance. And I still need to finish a project on visualizing thoughts.

20:54. Four more days, and the course of stabilizers will end.

Bye, Diary.

Day 16.
Hello, Diary.

Today is Thursday, November 24, 2068.

On the street +3, Sunny.

14:06. After showing a presentation of my project, I suggested that my classmates
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