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class="book">Seifullina, Lidia Nikolayevna, 24-25 Selvinski, Ilia Lvovich, 318 Serapion Brothers, 420 Severianin, Igor Vasilievich, 7 Shaginian, Marietta Sergeyevna, 84, 204- 205, 299

Shalamov, Varlam Tikhonovich, 384 Shchepkin, Mikhail Semionovich, 161 Shcherbakov, Alexander Sergeyevich, 140 Shengeli, Georgi Arkadievich, 145 Shervinski, Sergei Vasilievich, 322 Shevchenko, Taras Grigorievich, 188, 357 Shkiriatov, Matvei Fedorovich, 178 Shklovski, Nikita, 315, 346-47 Shklovski, Varia, 346-47 Shklovski, Vasilisa, 48, 299, 315, 346-51 on Bely, 155 as hostess, 347 as M.'s neighbor, 180-81 phobia of, 123 Shklovski, Victor Borisovich, 37, 83, 206, 299» 303, 346-52 on Babel's fear, 321 on change, 253

his opinion of comic verse, 351-52 M.'s death and, 377 new apartment of, 278 trousers of, 315 Shopen, Ivan Ivanovich, 227 Short Course (Stalin), 231, 246 Shostakovich, Dmitri, 346-48 Shtempel, Natasha, 71-72, 182, 203, 206 doggerel about, 214 M.'s letters rescued by, 275 Rudakov's meeting with, 273 Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich, 368- 369

Sinani, Boris Naumovich, 154 "Slate Ode, The" (Mandelstam), 171 Sluchevski, Konstantin Konstantinovich, 4,238

Slutski, Boris Abramovich, 385 Solikamsk, 52, 54, 58,60 Sologub, Fedor, 183

Soloviev, Vladimir Sergeyevich, 247, 264

influence of, 230 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isayevich, 246, 289, 339 publication of, 234, 287 survival of, 378 Soviet Writers, Union of, 7, 122, 208, 246, 300, 351-54 certification by, 119 as employment referral service, 137, 140

expulsion from, 37 housing permits and, 131-32, 290 indifference of, 146, 148 institution of, 27

poem commissioned by, 46-47, 300 poetry readings sponsored by, 302-3

rehabilitation application before, 374 reports supplied by, 368-69 rest period arranged by, 353-54, 357-58 Spasski, Sergei Dmitrievich, 316 Spies, police (agents), 24, 204-6, 283Я, 348,364-65 , GPU hears complaint about, 209-10 loyalty of, 86-87 M. surrounded by, 35-37 open surveillance by, 17-18 rule for dealing with, 204 Stalin, Josef, 63, 235-36, 258-59, з"->2, 322-24, 339-40, 356 Bukharin's communication with, 112, 145, 388

contemporary adherents of, 254 death of, 296, 298, 313, 354 denunciation of, 64Я, 373n distant relative of, 212 on Gorki, 339

his personal interest in M.'s case, 303 historical necessity for, 287-89 Lezhnev's call from, 242 M.'s arrest authorized by, 367 M.'s hallucinations about, 68 M.'s poem about, 12, 23, 25-26, 81-84, 14&-49, 158-62, 199 composition, 158 copy in police hands, 85-86 criminal charges based on, 32-33 danger of reading it aloud, 90-92, 149 first draft, 31-32, 158 full text, 13

memorized by police chief, 82 poem of appeasement, see "Ode to Stalin"

threatened execution over, 50-51, 83 viewed by his literary contempo­raries, 160-61 name adopted by, 93Я open disrespect for, 345 Pasternak's talk with, 45-49, 214 proletarian attitude toward, 337 Holland's influence with, 380-81, 389 sentimental view of, 199, 220 on surveillance, 34 Vishnevski received by, 261 waves of terror staged by, 317 writings of, 139, 231, 235, 246, 258 Startsev, Abel Isaakovich, 137 State Publishing House (Gosizdat), 20, 159, 178Я, 314 "Bublik's" trips to, 222, 224 Leningrad (Lengiz), 270 translation work for, 137 Stavski, Vasili P., 131, 214, 216, 302, 355 his role in M.'s second arrest, 367-69 inaccessibility of, 290, 300 Kostyrev and, 281 rest home suggested by, 353 Stenich, Liuba, 315, 317-18 Stenich, Valentin Iosifovich, 314-17

imminent arrest of, 315-16 Stoletov (alleged "wrecker"), 212 Stolpner, Boris Grigorievich, 223 Stone (Mandelstam), xii, 192-93, 395

Kablukov's copy of, 175, 275-76 Stopiatnitsa, 344-45 Strunino, 54-55, 341-46 notes from prisoners passing through,

textile works in, 343-45 Strove, Gleb Petrovich, 247 Suicide, 159, 261, 292, 297 as last resort, 56-58 M.'s attempted, 76-77 Suicide, The (Erdman), 57, 326, 328 Surkov, Alexei Alexandrovich, 26,137,

234,290 on Dr. Zhivago, 83 financial assistance from, 302 on Lev Gumilev, 212 on residence permits, 121-22 during revision period, 368-69, 374 as union head, 354 Surveillance, 17-19, 33-39, 92 by chauffeurs, 354 mutual, 34

system of mass, 35-38 See also "Adjutant" agents; Denuncia­tions; Informers; Spies; "Tails" Sverdlovsk, 52-44 Symbolism (Bely), 156 Symbolists, 154-56, 177, 263-66 Berdiayev's tie with, 263-64, 266, 268 M. attacked by, 149 in poetry anthology, 237 public taste re-educated by, 238 Syrtsov, Sergei Ivanovich, 179

Tager, Elena Mikhailovna, 64 "Tails" (police agents), 17-19, 179 open surveillance by, 18-19 young people as, 207 Tairov, Alexander Yakovlevich, 167 Tarasenkov, Anatoli Kuzmich, 85,172 Tashkent University, 94, 366 author as teacher at, 37 Marxism-Leninism study room of, 244-

Tadin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich, 350 "Third Voronezh Notebook"

(Mandelstam), 71, 191-93, 217 Tikhonov, Nikolai Semionovich, 232-35, 306,316, 332 in war against literature, 233-35 Tiufiakov (police agent), 385-86 Tiutchev, Fedor Ivanovich, 238, 288 "To Sleep in Petersburg" (Mandelstam), 194

"To the German Language

(Mandelstam), 72, 387 Tolstoi, Count Alexei Konstantinovich,

Tolsto?,3<Count Alexei Nikolayevich, 316

slapped by M., 3, 11, 22, 90 Tomashevski, Boris Victorovich, 357 Tramcar, The (Mandelstam), 138 Tretiakov, Peter Nikolayevich, 3, 299 Tristia (Mandelstam), xii, 192, 275 arrangement of poems in, 190 published abroad, 269

See also Second Book Trotski, Leon, 104

Tsvetayeva, Marina Ivanovna, 151, 154. 259. 271

Twelve Chairs, The and Petrov),

325-26, 328 Twentieth Party Congress, 131, 246 non-Party Bolshevik response to, 312 proponent of, 340 public response to, 329 rehabilitation after, 373 Tynianov, Yuri Nikolayevich, 272, 279, 307, 358

Tyshler, Alexander Grigorievich, 217-18

Ulianovsk, 295-96, 371-72 Ulianovsk Teachers' Training College, 313, 385

Union of Soviet Writers, see Soviet Writers

"Unkown Soldier, The" (Mandelstam), 183

Usov, Alisa Gugovna, 37, 244, 364-66

death of, 364 Usov, Dmitri Sergeyevich, 37, 47, 363-65 death of, 363-64

Vaginov, Konstantin Konstantinovich, 274

Vakhtangov, Evgeni Bagrationovich, 167 Vaks (writer), 351

"Vasia" (Vasilia Shklovski's niece), 346, 350

Vasiliev, Pavel, 260 Vasilievna, Tatiana, 335~4i, 352, 363 on M.'s arrest, 339 outspokenness of, 336 Veresayev, Vikenti Vikentievich, 264 Verkhovski, Yuri Nikandrovich, 155 "Verses About Russian Poetry"

(Mandelstam), 184, 259 Vinaver ("Red Cross" deputy), 23-24, 214

on M.'s case, ^0-51,93 Vinogradov, Victor Vladimirovich, 350 Vishnevski, Sonia, 28, 261-62 Vishnevsky Vsevolod, 101, 181

illusory power of, 261 Vladivostok, transit camp near, 228, 378, 379, 385, 391 "L.'s" account of, 391-96 letter written in, 373 Volpe, Caesar Samoiiovich, 139Г315 Volpin, Mikhail Davidovich (Misha), 327

Voronezh, see Mandelstam, Osip—

Voronezh period of "Voronezh" (Akhmatova), 217-18 Voronski, Alexander Konstantinovich 252

Fellow Travelers published by, 11 x M.'s work rejected by, 138, 258 Vitoraya Rechka, transit camp at, 391 M.'s death at, 228, 385

Vyshinski, Andrei Yanuarievich, 82, 325

White Sea Canal, 32,46-47, 364

M.'s poem about, 46-47, 300 "With the World of Empire"

(Mandelstam), 173 "Wolf, The" (Mandelstam), 8, 17, 85, 152

copy of, requested by police agent, 35 variants of, 189 "Wolf' poetry cycle (Mandelstam), 12, 193-94 chronology of, 191 exile theme of, 194 Wrangel, Baron Peter Nikolayevich, 117 "Writing," new meaning of, 37-38

Yagoda, Genrikh Grigorievich, 9, 23 forced-labor camps under, 211-12 laboratory experiments of, 77 Stalin poem memorized by, 82 warrant signed by, 91 Yakhontov, Lilia, 32-33

as sentimental Stalinist, 199, 220 Yakhontov, Vladimir Nikolayevich, 33, 90, 220, 292, 300 identity papers of, 120 stage performance of, 121 visits Voronezh, 123,131,199 Yarkho, Boris Isaakovich, 47 Yazykov, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 238 "Yeast of the World" (Mandelstam), 199-201

Yenukidze, Abel Sofronovich ("Red

Abel"), 24, 309-" Yesenin, Sergei Alexandrovich, 343 Yezhov, Nikolai lvanovich, 321-25, 356« Babel's curiosity about, 321 dismissal of, 78, 131, 376 labor camps under, 228 period of terror under, 72,84, 160, 241,

244, 298 Stalin photographed with, 339 in Sukhumi, 113, 322-25 Yezhov, Tonia, 113, 323 Yudina, Maria Veniaminovna, 142, 216 Yttnost (monthly), 280

Zadonski, Tikhon, 130, 195 Zalka, Mate, 136 Zaslavski, David I., 178 Zenkevich, Mikhail Alexandrovich (Misha), 45-47, 88,120

Zhdanov, Andrei Alexandrovich, 386 Zhirmunski, Victor Maximovich, 37, 306-


Zhukovski, Vasily Andreyevich, 73 Zoo (Shklovski), 166 Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 87, 178»,279, 317 Decree on, 18 Zubov Institute, 167, 276 Zvezda (magazine), 139, 184, 233, 235

Nadezhda Mandelstam

Mrs. Mandelstam was born in Saratov in 1899 and now lives in Moscow. The "external facts of her life" are recounted in Clarence Brown's in­troduction to this book.

Max Hay ward

A Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford, Max Hayward is a specialist in Russian literature. His previous translations include Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago (with Many a Harari), Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denis- ovich, and Isaac Babel's You Must Know Every­thing.

Hope Against Hope. Иллюстрация № 41

Critics praise for

Hope Against Hope

by Nude&hdu Mandelstam


"...Hope Against Hope..As so churning in its impact, so tearfully brave and enduring, so horrifying and yet so intelligent that no one of sensibility dare deny himself knowing it." Faubion Bowers, Village Voice

" is well-nigh impossible to approach this book as a 'literary' work....It is a vast and painstaking document of two people's lives in a doomed society ruled by fear and paranoia, a record astonishing in its essential sanity."

The Nation

" important, absorbing and moving memoir...a shuddering panorama of Russia under the stamp of terror..." Newsweek

"Nothing one can say will either communicate or affect the genius of this book. To pass judgment on it is almost insolence—even judgment