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female students better grades just for being women” by Emily Jashinsky (May 16th 2018)

771 New York Post “University nixes tech professor’s grade fix for female students” by Greg Re (May 18th 2018)

772 San Diego Union Tribune “1st woman drops out of Navy SEAL training pipeline” by Jeanette Steele (August 11th 2017)

773 Marine Corps Times “Passing Combat Endurance Test is no longer required for infantry officers” by Shawn Snow (February 7th 2018)

774 CBS 4 Denver “Springs Officers Will No Longer Take Fitness Tests After Discrimination Lawsuit” (November 10th 2015)

775 Washington Post “We should stop putting women in jail for anything” by Patricia O’Brien (November 6th 2017)

776 Ibid.

777 “What Is Patriarchy (And How Does It Hurt Us All)?” by Marina Watanabe (November 24th 2014)

778 New Statesman “The BBC pundit’s children video is not funny. It’s patriarch in a nutshell” by Moley Tant (March 10th 2017)

779 Ibid.

780 CNN “Guns alone don’t kill people, patriarchy kills people” by Richard Edmon Vargas (May 1st 2018)

781 Real Clear Politics “Of 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Were Fatherless” by Mark Meckler (February 27th 2018)

782 Buss, David -The Evolution of Desire page 214

783 Buss, David -The Evolution of Desire page 212

784 Buss, David -The Evolution of Desire page 213

785 Ibid.

786 Time “6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die” by Christina Hoff Sommers (June 17th 2016)

787 Bureau of Labor Statistics “Fatal Work Injuries and Hours Worked by Gender of Worker, 2002”

788 The Telegraph “Homelessness is a gendered issue, and it mostly impacts men” by Glen Poole (August 6th 2015)

789 FBI Expanded Homicide Data

790 “The Facts About Men and Boys”

791 New York Post “Women proposing to their boyfriends are the latest #MeToo cultural shift” by Sara Dorn (February 10th 2018)

792 New York Post “Why I took my wife’s last name” by WHIMN (December 19th 2017)

793 “Men Viewed As More Feminine, Lacking Pants If Wives Keep Last Name, Study Finds” by Daniel Steingold (November 27th 2017)


795 Buss, David - The Evolution of Desire page 50

796 RealClear Politics “Of 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Were Fatherless” by Mark Meckler (March 27th 2018)

797 Washington Times “Link between mass shooters, absent fathers ignored by anti-gun activists” by Bradford Richardson (March 27th 2018)


799 Vanity Fair “Tinder and the Dawn of the ‘Dating Apocalypse’ by Nancy Jo Sales (August 6th 2015)

800 Rolling Stone “Inside the Awkward World of Millennial Dating” by Elisabeth Sherman (November 15th 2016)

801 CNBC “This 34-year-old gets paid to cuddle people” by Jane Wells (April 2nd 2018)

802 The Independent “Porn and videogame addiction are leading to ‘masculinity crisis’ says Stanford prison experiment psychologist” by Doug Bolton (May 9th 2015)

803 Time “Porn and the Threat to Virility” by Belinda Luscomb (March 30th 2016)

804 Tedx Talks “Cancel Marriage: Merva Michaeli at TEDxJaffa (November 10th 2012)

805 ThoughtCo “Robin Morgan Quotes”

806 Yahoo News “Lesbian Activist’s Surprisingly Candid Speech: Gay Marriage Fight Is a ‘Lie’ to Destroy Marriage” by Mike Opelka (April 29th 2013)

807 New York Times “Married, Dating Other People and Happy” by Lesly David, Alexandra Garcia and Taige Jensen (June 16th 2017)

808 CNN “Rethinking Monogamy Today” by Iran Kerner (April 12th 2017)

809 Ibid.

810 “Easier With Three” by Evan Urquhart (May 3rd 2018)

811 Ibid.

812 Huffington Post “Do Open Marriages Work? How Dating Other People Brings Me Closer To My Husband” by Gracie X (August 28th 2015)

813 Daily Mail “Relationship guru insists cheating in a marriage doesn't need to mean divorce - and claims it can even make a couple STRONGER” by Molly Rose Pike (October 29th 2017)

814 Cosmopolitan “14 Confessions From Women Who Cheated and Don't Regret It” by Ali Drucker (January 26th 2017)

815 Ibid.

816 CNN “Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says” by Ian Kerner (January 25th 2018)

817 Ibid.

818 New York Post “‘A night of erotic freedom’ at NYC’s most exclusive sex party” by Heather Hauswirth and Jane Ridley (April 5th 2017)

819 Ibid.

820 New York Post “Kate Middleton’s pal hosts the swankiest sex party in NYC” by Dana Schuster (March 10th 2015)

821 New York Post “Inside NYC’s host millennials-only sex club.” Melkorka Licea (April 28th 2018)

822 Ibid.

823 LA Times “Nudists claim discrimination after being banned from pool in Huntington Beach” by Anthony Clark Carpio (January 21st 2016)

824 Mirror “Hundreds of sex enthusiasts to descend on Las Vegas for ‘world’s biggest ORGY’ in X-rated world record attempt” by Sofie Evans (May 10th 2018)

825 Adult Industry News “Gangbang 2000 Halted by Police Presence” by Steve Nelson (October 9th 1999)

826 Culture Kiosque “Eroticon 2006: Sex and the Conservative City” by Colin Graham (January 30th 2006)

827 Daily Mail “March of the sexbots: They talk, they make jokes, have ‘customisable’ breasts - the sex robot is no longer a weird fantasy but a troubling reality” by Caroline Graham (October 29th 2017)

828 Breitbart “Sex Doll Manufacturer: Sex Robots Would Be Better for Kids than Pornography” by Charlie Nash (March 5th 2018)

829 Ibid.

830 The Sun “Dublin brothel rents out 32E SEX DOLL for £80 an hour…and ‘Passion Dolly’ gets scores of visitors every week” by Megan Hill (July 9th 2017)

831 Daily Mail “First sex doll brothel in Paris faces calls to close because it ‘fuels rape fantasies’” by Khaleda Rahman (March 20th 2018)

832 New York Post “Italy’s first sex doll brothel ‘booked out for weeks’” by Yaron Steinbuch (Steptember 3rd 2018)

833 Engadget “Realdoll invests in AI for future sexbots that move, and talk dirty” by Andrew Tarantola (June 12th 2015)

834 Elle “Sex With Robots Will Be ‘Socially Normal’ By 2040, Says Technology” by Katie O’Malley (December 20th 2016)

835 The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey by Blanche Barton page 187

836 Ibid.

837 Daily Star “Sex robot boom driven by social media fuelled LONELINESS, reveals internet porn boss” by Henry Holloway (September 8th 2018)

838 Women’s Health “Why I Love Telling People I Have Herpes” by Ella Dawson (April 14th 2015)

839 Ibid.


841 Variety “Farrah Abraham Claims MTV ‘Sex-Shamed’ Her for Doing Porn” by Gene Maddaus (February 21st 2018)

842 The Los Angeles Times “Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California” by Patrick McGreevy (October 6th 2017)

843 NBC News “New California Law Reduces Penalty for Knowingly Exposing Someone to HIV” by Julia Moreau (October 13th 2017)

844 Sacramento Bee “The AIDS crisis is over. Why are people still going to jail over HIV?” by Erika D. Smith (April 24th 2017)

845 Ibid.

846 The Atlantic “The Bigotry of Gay-Blood-Donation Bans” by Vann R. Newkirtk II (June 13th 2016)

847 NBC News “Canadian Restaurant Run by HIV-Positive Staff Aims to Smash Stigma” by Reuters (November 9th 2017)

848 British Journal of Social Psychology “‘Resistance’ and health promotion by Crossley Michelle (2004)

849 Rolling Stone “Bug Chasers” by Gregory A. Freeman (November 16, 2006)

850 The Independent “Transgender father Stefonknee Wolscht leaves family in Toronto to start new life as six-year-old girl” by Kate Ng (December 12th 2015)

851 Chicago Tribune “Accused of assaulting 3 young girls, man says he's boy trapped in adult's body” by Deanese Williams-Harris (January 25th 2018)

852 MTV’s YouTube Channel “True Life | ‘I’m An Adult Baby’ Official Clip (Act 1) | MTV” (October 27th 2016)

853 Huffington Post “Inside The Misunderstood World Of Adult Baby Diaper Lovers” by Noah Michelson (March 21st 2017)

854 Ibid.

855 Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell pages 228-229

856 NBC News “Laura Loomer Banned from Uber & Lyft After Anti-Muslim Tweetstorm” by Chelsea Bailey (November 2nd 2017)

857 Breitbart “Stripe, PayPal, Patreon: The Right Is Being Banned from Online Fundraising” by Allum Bokhari (July 24th 2018)

858 USA Today “Restaurants kicking out Trump supporters: Unlike race or religion, it's legal” by Charisse Jones (June 27th 2018)

859 Matthew 7:13-14